Minimum Control Measures
The Six Minimum Control Measures form the core of the Stormwater Management Program (SWMP). The following is a brief overview of the MCMs.
- Develop a public education and outreach program
- Know who the target audience is
- Publish educational material
- newsletter, pamphlet, flyer, website
- Distribute educational material
- displays, posters, signs, pamphlets, booklets, brochures, radio, local cable TV, newspaper articles, bill stuffers, presentations, conferences, meetings, fact sheets, giveaways, storm drain stenciling
- Develop a public involvement and participation program
- Advertise to the public and solicit public input on certain documents:
- Stormwater management ordinances
- Standard operating procedures
- Pollutant reduction plans
- Regularly solicit public involvement and participation
- Develop written program for detection, elimination, and prevention of illicit discharges
- Develop and maintain detailed maps
- Conduct dry weather screening of MS4 outfalls
- Enforce a stormwater management program that prohibits non-stormwater discharges
- Provide educational outreach about the program to detect and eliminate illicit discharges
- Enact, implement, and enforce the implementation and maintenance of erosion and sediment control best management practices (BMPs)
- Enact, implement, and enforce post-construction stormwater management from new development and redevelopment projects
- Encourage and expand the use of low impact development
- Ensure adequate O&M of all post-construction stormwater management BMPs at development or redevelopment projects
- Identify and document all operations that are owned by the permittee and have potential for polluting stormwater runoff
- Develop, implement, and maintain an O&M program that stresses pollution prevention and good housekeeping
- Develop and implement an employee training program to further the goal of preventing or reducing discharge of pollutants from operations to the MS4
More information can be found on PA DEP’s website: